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PicoScope 4225A
2 Channel Starter Kit
  • Lowest possible cost entry into your PicoScope ownership
  • Comes complete with a basic set of leads and clips
  • Accessories can be added at any time, to upgrade the kit and broaden its applications base.
PicoScope 4425A
4 Channel Starter Kit
  • Contains the same 4 channel Scope featured in the Standard and Advanced kits
  • Supplied with a set of leads and clips to perform the more common tasks
  • Purchase accessories to upgrade to a standard or advanced kit.
PicoScope 4225A
2 Channel Standard Kit
  • Comes complete with a variety of accessories
  • Test virtually all the components on modern vehicles
  • Ideal for occasional use or for those on a limited budget
PicoScope 4425A
4 Channel Standard Kit
  • Four input channels are a particular advantage when testing the likes of ABS systems
  • Fast enough to keep up with the emerging FlexRay standard
  • Supplied with a comprehensive array of connection and interfacing accessories
  • Smart connectors
PicoScope 4425A
4 Channel Advanced Kit
  • The Advanced Kit builds on the standard kit to include more accessories
  • Includes universal break out leads, fuse extensions, COP probes and extension leads
  • Oscilloscope buffer memory has 250 Meg samples
PicoScope 4425A
4 Channel Diesel Kit
  • Specifically designed around heavy duty diesel engines
  • Includes a 2000 Amp DC clamp
  • Fast sampling rate supports the capture and viewing of FlexRay and CAN bus signals
PicoScope 4425A
4 Channel Master Kit
  • The Master Kit has you covered with a raft of accessories
  • Includes universal break out leads, fuse extensions, COP probes and extension leads
  • Oscilloscope buffer memory has 250 Meg samples
*15% GST applicable for sales within NZ